Person looking off into the distance.
Person looking off into the distance.


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Being a caregiver can feel overwhelming and scary, but educating yourself on options for your loved one can help make it easier. Learn more about Breyanzi®, CAR T cell therapy, as a potential treatment option.


When is CAR T therapy right for my loved one?

You and your loved one have already been through the ups and downs of remission and relapse. It’s hard to hear that your loved one’s cancer has returned and even harder to navigate the right choices. But there is hope after relapse.

Read through the patient journey to find out more about when CAR T cell therapy may be an option.

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“I couldn't have done this without my wife, Vanessa. When one has cancer, two have cancer.”
Illustration of two people holding hands with flowers.

Helping your loved one navigate their treatment options can feel overwhelming, but having all the information you need at your disposal can help make it easier.

Illustration of holding hands with flowers symbolizing hope.

There is hope for remission after relapse

Breyanzi makes complete and lasting remission possible. Read the results of the Breyanzi clinical studies.

Illustration of a person framed by a circle outline.

Breyanzi is a personalized treatment

Breyanzi is not a stem cell transplant or chemotherapy. It is a CAR T cell therapy that uses enhanced white blood cells (T cells) to find and fight cancer. Read more about how Breyanzi works.

Illustration showing support is available throughout the experience.

There is support available every step of the way

We’re in this together. At each point in their treatment journey—from collection to infusion, and even after—there are support services available. Get personalized support throughout your treatment journey with Cell Therapy 360®

If Breyanzi is right for your loved one,
they will need to stay near a treatment center for a few weeks after treatment. Here are some ways you can support them during this time:

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At this point, your loved one will have gone through apheresis and low-dose chemotherapy and is preparing for their Breyanzi infusion. Here’s how you can help them prepare:

  • Recommended items to pack
    • Comfortable clothes, plenty of sleepwear, slippers, and socks 
    • A notebook, books, and magazines 
    • Headphones and chargers (make sure the chargers have an extra-long cable that will reach their bed) 
    • Pictures or handwritten notes from loved ones back home
  • Reach out for support
    Sign up for Cell Therapy 360® and get access to financial support, lodging resources, and a support line for caregivers
Illustration of a tear off calendar with two x’s and a paper with pen.

During treatment

There are many ways you can help your loved one during treatment, including:

  • Assisting with day-to-day activities like refilling prescriptions, scheduling and taking them to appointments, cooking, and helping them with transportation
  • Taking on childcare responsibilities
  • Accompanying them to appointments, asking questions, and bringing all relevant information with you (like their allergy and medication info)
Illustration of two people holding hands with flowers.


The full CAR T cell therapy process (from apheresis through initial post-treatment follow-up monitoring) can span over the course of 2 to 3 months.

  • Assisting your loved one in getting to appointments. Remember, they won’t be allowed to drive for at least 8 weeks after their CAR T cell infusion
  • Ensuring your loved one is never left alone for at least the first 30 days. Long-term monitoring is required
  • Being aware of potential side effects and understanding what to do about them. If at any time you are unsure what to do or are concerned that your loved one may be experiencing a side effect, call their healthcare team right away.
    • Call 911 or their healthcare team in the event of a medical emergency or if they show signs of a serious side effect
    • Check their temperature regularly following treatment
    • Call their healthcare provider or go to the hospital if their temperature is 100.4˚F/38.0˚C or higher
    • Watch for symptoms, side effects, and other changes in their health or behavior
Illustration of a person thinking about how they can take care of themselves.

While caring for your loved one, don’t forget to take care of yourself

  • Make sure you’re getting enough sleep.
  • You need to eat and hydrate. Don’t skip meals and make sure you have snacks available for you and your loved one.
  • Your emotional and mental health is important. Talk with the healthcare team if you need help with physical or emotional support.
  • It’s ok to take a break. Coordinate with friends and family to ensure the patient has around-the-clock coverage while you get the help and support you need.
Support icon for Patient Advocacy Groups


Below are some care partner–specific organizations so you can get the help and resources you need.

Please note, all links are for educational purposes only. Information on these sites shouldn't be interpreted as medical advice. You should always discuss all health information with your healthcare team. All logos, trademarks, and content on external sites are the property of their respective owners.

Share to inspire. Because your story can help inspire another.

Share your Breyanzi story

Sharing your story can help others know they’re not alone. If Breyanzi has made a difference for you or your loved one, we’d love to hear about it. Please visit our website or call us at 1-855-436-5866.

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BREYANZI and the related logo are trademarks of Juno Therapeutics, Inc., a Bristol Myers Squibb company.

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